Tagged: Truth

This is how CEX.io handles problems. Is CEX.io Bankrupt?

Is CEX.io Bankrupt? Is Lutskevych hiding?

Is CEX.io Bankrupt? Why is Oleksandr Lutskevych hiding from his customers? Is CEX.io facing bankruptcy again? If CEX.io is bankrupt, then get your funds out quickly. It’s no secret I’ve had many issues with them. You can read my review of...

Have you heard the phrase, 'Order Out of Chaos'? It comes from Latin, 'Ordo Ab Chao', but what does it imply? Learn more about global manipulation today.

Order Out of Chaos | Ordo Ab Chao

Order Out of Chaos: Ordo Ab Chao & Novus Ordo Seclorum By now, you will have heard the phrase, ‘Order Out of Chaos’, or the Latin version, ‘Ordo Ab Chao’. It’s not my intention to discuss the origins of the...

Do you know what the Real Corona Stats are for the UK? These actual figures are posted by official sources. My maths is very easy to follow. Info is power!

The Real CoVid19 Stats for the UK!

The Real Corona Stats for the UK! Corona/Covid19 Statistics for Thinking People Here are the real CoVid19 Stats for the UK, as it seems people are not doing their own maths. First, we cannot just pick and choose the numbers...

Does Bill Gates run the world? Is he part of the new world order? Does his influence with the CDC and WHO make him powerful enough to control the world?

Does Bill Gates Run the World?

Does Bill Gates Run the World? The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation I’m quite sure that at some point in recent years, you might have asked, “Does Bill Gates run the world?” I’m not sure about the world, but he...