Paste & Post
Write, copy, paste, post, and repeat senselessly. Is this what the new world is about? We post at each other, but where is the social aspect in that? The world is facing what I call ‘Mad Post Syndrome’. The text...
Write, copy, paste, post, and repeat senselessly. Is this what the new world is about? We post at each other, but where is the social aspect in that? The world is facing what I call ‘Mad Post Syndrome’. The text...
I’m going to write a series of 3 smallish articles on some subjects that people are overly obsessed and literally panic over nothing. All three will be linked to each other and this post will serve as an index. Firstly...
If you are worried about hackers you really need to stop! No seriously, there are far more important issues in life than nerdy hackers just straining to snap loose from their flimsy leases and ferociously consume your exciting life from...
So you have an email account! Great, I probably have a dozen. Perhaps you should have more than one email address too. Why you ask? I shall tell you shortly! I assume you know what electronic mail is since you...