Tagged: SelfHelp

Ever think about the Timelines of the Gods? What if everything you were told is a lie? If you want to break free from slavery, seek the truth and be free.

Timelines of the Gods: Are You Included?

Timelines of the Gods: Are You Included? One thing I have realised, as a mere mortal, is that there are Timelines of the Gods that we do not always comprehend or even fully grasp. Today, I hope to change this...

Are you free to think, or is there censorship in the world today? Do you even know you are being suppr****d? Do you believe what you see & read in media?

Censorship in the World Today

Censorship in the World Today Censorship and Freedom Is there censorship in the world today? It’s nothing new, as it always exists in one form or another. What concerns me the most is that most people don’t recognise it. You...

Why Didn’t You Tell Me?

Why Didn’t You Tell Me? None of Your Business, that’s why! It’s been a long, long (excuse the penis pun) time since I last wrote something just for fun; just because it amused me. The last few years have been all work...

Understanding and Overcoming Depression | Antidepressants Don't Work

Understanding and Overcoming Depression | Antidepressants Don’t Work

Antidepressants Don’t Work Understanding and Overcoming Depression   Ultimately, understanding and overcoming depression requires overcoming depression without medication. The reason is that for most people, antidepressants don’t work in the long run. The depression is real, but anti depression drugs are...