Shower Water Reclamation (Save With Buckets)
Shower Water Reclamation It’s been a while since I had a new environmental project or wrote anything, so this is a small idea I got into my head a little while back. I truly love my showers. It is...
Shower Water Reclamation It’s been a while since I had a new environmental project or wrote anything, so this is a small idea I got into my head a little while back. I truly love my showers. It is...
Do you really need Plastic Spoons? I found this video from Greenpeace and I thought I’d share it with everyone. It mirrors many of my concerns and ongoing gripes. Please reuse and stop disposing of plastic items. Â The Story...
Just how Green is Green? Recycled Thoughtswill change your views on current environmental challenges. It’s time for change. Recycling and a cleaner environment has been a passion of mine for many years. I’ve talked about it and even preached to people...