Tagged: E-reader


Kindle Your Fire

  Kindle Your Fire Over the years, many brand names have become synonymous with everyday objects. Companies love this because people freely promote their products every time they enter into conversation. A Jacuzzi is actually a spa bath, but another...


A Page from a Box (A horror story)

I have collected books (and music) for decades, and that in itself, is not particularly extraordinary. I have also studied a few times and after a while, a person can open up a library on a vast array of subjects....


Bookeen Cybook Odyssey 2013

To a regular reader of my blog, the brand Bookeen should sound familiar. I’ve written before about my experience with the Orizon E-Ink eBook reader. I’ve had it for several years and except for one issue — that was promptly...


Recycled Thoughts Preliminary Artwork!

Here is a sneak peak at the cover of my new Book called, Recycled Thoughts! It will be released as a Free eBook through all the regular eStores and of course my site http://www.jorodrigues.com/ It will cover and discuss the challenges...