Tagged: CoronaVirus

Economic Crisis 2020: what are the Coronavirus lockdown implications? Economic collapse not seen since the Great Depression of the 1930s? What's happening?

Economic Crisis 2020: Coronavirus Ramifications

Economic Crisis 2020: Coronavirus Ramifications Global Lockdown Implications & the Economic Collapse of 2020 There is no denying it anymore: the economic crisis 2020 is well under way. Even if we were to reverse the CoronaVirus lockdown, it is way...

Do you know what the Real Corona Stats are for the UK? These actual figures are posted by official sources. My maths is very easy to follow. Info is power!

The Real CoVid19 Stats for the UK!

The Real Corona Stats for the UK! Corona/Covid19 Statistics for Thinking People Here are the real CoVid19 Stats for the UK, as it seems people are not doing their own maths. First, we cannot just pick and choose the numbers...

Do you know what the Real Corona Stats are for Ireland? These actual figures are posted by official sources. My maths is very easy to follow. Info is power!

The Real Corona Stats for Ireland!

The Real Corona Stats for Ireland: Corona/Covid19 Statistics for Thinking People For everyone living in Ireland: do you know the real Corona stats? Please go read up about them on the official website. The truth might surprise you. These figures...

CoronaVirus Patents filed before the outbreak. Someone knew about it beforehand, and are making money from it. Do you believe what you hear? Stay informed!

CoronaVirus Patents (2006257852 & 3172319B1)

CoronaVirus Patents (US 2006257852 & EP 3172319B1) The CoronaVirus patents were filed before the virus outbreak. Still wondering about what your government is telling you? Before, I wasn’t sure if this virus was manmade or not, but what we can...